Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Which of the following statements about alpha-interferons is correct?


Alpha-interferons activate the immune system.

Alpha-interferons help in destroying the tumor.

Both statement (a) and statement (b) are correct.

None of the above statements are correct.

Correct Answer:

Both statement (a) and statement (b) are correct.


a-Alpha-interferons activate the immune system.

b-Alpha-interferons help in destroying the tumor.

c-Both statement (a) and statement (b) are correct.

d-None of the above statements are correct.

The correct answer is (c) Both (a) and (b) are correct.

Alpha-interferons are a type of cytokine that play a role in the immune response against viral infections and cancer. They have the ability to activate the immune system, stimulating various immune cells such as natural killer cells, macrophages, and cytotoxic T cells. Activation of the immune system helps in enhancing the body's defense mechanisms against pathogens and cancer cells.

Additionally, alpha-interferons have direct antiviral and antitumor effects. They can inhibit viral replication and promote the destruction of tumor cells. By interfering with viral replication, alpha-interferons can help control viral infections. In the case of cancer, they can induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in tumor cells and inhibit their growth.

Therefore, alpha-interferons have both immunostimulatory and direct antiviral/antitumor effects, making statement (c) "Both (a) and (b)" the correct answer.