Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Entrepreneurship Development


Salary is not a primary economic reward for an entrepreneur. Which of the following is a competency of an entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI)?

A. A never say die' attitude of an entrepreneur is termed as self-confidence.
B. Acting out of choice rather than compulsion is initiative.
C. Entrepreneur's concern for conservation of time and money is termed as 'assertiveness'
D. Executive summary and operation strategies are included in Business Plan.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:


A, C, D only

A, B, D only

A, D only

A, B, C only

Correct Answer:

A, B, C only


Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) has identified a set of 15 competencies that contribute toward entrepreneurial performance and success. Some of these are briefly stated hereunder.

1. Persistence: A ‘never say die’ attitude, not giving up easily, striving continuously until success is achieved.

2. Initiative: Acting out of choice rather than compulsion, taking the lead rather than waiting for others to start.

3. Assertiveness: Conveying emphatically one’s vision and convincing others of its value.

Option D is NOT a competency.