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Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer questions

For years, exercise scientists tried to quantify the ideal “dose” of exercise for most people. They finally reached a broad consensus in 2008 about movement, sitting and health. The guidelines advised anyone who was physically able to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate exercise every week, and half as much if it is intense.

But what’s the best way to space out those weekly minutes? And what does “moderate” mean?

For longevity, 150 minutes a week of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity clearly is enough. It is quite clear from numerous large-scale, well-conducted epidemiological studies that 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity most days lowers the risk of premature death and many diseases, such as stroke, heart attack, Type 2 diabetes and many types of cancer.

Moderate exercise means activities that increase your breathing and heart rate, so the exertion feels like a five or six on a scale between one and 10. In other words, pick up the pace a bit if your inclination is to stroll, but do not feel compelled to sprint.

You also can break up your exercise into even smaller segments. It doesn’t matter whether exercise is done in a long, continuous 30-minute session or is dispersed across the day in shorter sessions. Think of these bite-size workouts as exercise snacks. Activities like bursts of very fast walking, stair climbing and carrying shopping bags provide excellent opportunities for movement snacks.

In a 2017 study ,people who reported exercising almost entirely on weekends were less likely to die prematurely than those who said they rarely exercised at all but it is certainly not ideal to spend the workweek totally sedentary and then try to compensate. You miss many of the health benefits of regular exercise, such as improved blood-sugar control and better moods.

If you have the time and inclination, move more than 30 minutes a day. In general, according to research and studies, the more active we are, well beyond 30 minutes a day, the more our risks of chronic diseases drop and the longer our lives may be.

What kind of ‘snacks’ are suggested in the passage?


Strolling snacks

Movement snacks

Sprinting snacks

bite-size snacks

Correct Answer:

Movement snacks