Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Principles of Management


Ankit and Amisha are working as Sales Officers in an organisation. Ankit gets a salary of ₹50,000 per month, while Amisha gets ₹40,000 per month. Which principle of management is violated by the organization.



Fair renumeration



Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option (4) : Equity.

The principle of management violated by the organization is "Equity." Equity refers to the fair treatment of all employees, regardless of factors such as gender, race, or in this case, their position or role within the organization. Paying Ankit a higher salary than Amisha for similar roles as Sales Officers violates the principle of equity, as it indicates unfair treatment based on unequal compensation.

* Equity: Good sense and experience are needed to ensure fairness to all employees, who should be treated as fairly as possible,” according to Fayol. This principle emphasises kindliness and justice in the behaviour of managers towards workers. This will ensure loyalty and devotion. Fayol does not rule out use of force sometimes. Rather he says that lazy personnel should be dealt with sternly to send the message that everyone is equal in the eyes of the management. There should be no discrimination against anyone on account of sex, religion, language, caste, belief or nationality etc.