Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Learning attitudes by association is exemplified by which of the following scenarios?


Developing a liking for a subject because of a teacher's positive qualities

Being praised for showing a particular attitude

Observing others being rewarded for expressing thoughts

Learning attitudes through group norms

Correct Answer:

Developing a liking for a subject because of a teacher's positive qualities


Learning attitudes by association refers to the process of developing positive attitudes towards a particular object or topic based on the positive qualities associated with it. The process of learning attitudes through association can be observed in situations where students develop a fondness for a particular subject due to their teacher. This occurs when students perceive numerous positive qualities in the teacher, and these positive qualities become associated with the subject that the teacher teaches. Consequently, the positive association between the teacher and the subject leads to the development of a favorable attitude towards the subject. In essence, the positive attitude towards the subject is acquired through the learned association between the teacher and the student.