Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


General Awareness


If the time at a particular place at 45 degree West Latitude is 12 PM. What will be the time at Greenwich?


3 PM

9 AM

6 PM

6 AM

Correct Answer:

3 PM


The correct answer is Option (1) - 3 PM

Longitude lines determine time zones. As we move eastward, time increases by 4 minutes for every degree of longitude. Conversely, moving westward, time decreases by 4 minutes for every degree.

1 degree = 4 minutes,

so 45 degree = 180 minutes.

Given that the location is 45 degrees west of Greenwich, it means it is 3 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If the time at the location is 12 PM, then the time at Greenwich would be 3 hours ahead of that. Thus, the time at Greenwich will be 3 PM.