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Target Exam





Ancient India: Bricks, Beads and Bones


Read the passage and answer the question :

"Perhaps the most unique features of the Harappan civilisation was the development of urban centres. They had citadel and the lower towns. One of the most distinctive features of Harapppan cities was the carefully planned drainage system. The roads intersected at right angles and were well planned."

Which among the following structure has been discovered in Mohenjodaro?



The Great Bath

Ploughed fields


Correct Answer:

The Great Bath


The correct answer is Option (2) → The Great Bath

Major sites of Indus Valley Civilisation and the major findings associated with them:

Dockyards - Lothal in Gujarat
The Great Bath - Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan
Ploughed fields - Kalibangan in Rajasthan
Canals - Shortughai in Afghanistan

More about the Great Bath:

The Great Bath was discovered in Mohenjodaro. The Great Bath was a large rectangular tank in a courtyard surrounded by a corridor on all four sides. There were two flights of steps on the north and south leading into the tank, which was made watertight by setting bricks on edge and using a mortar of gypsum. There were rooms on three sides, in one of which was a large well. Water from the tank flowed into a huge drain. Across a lane to the north lay a smaller building with eight bathrooms, four on each side of a corridor, with drains from each bathroom connecting to a drain that ran along the corridor. The uniqueness of the structure, as well as the context in which it was found (the Citadel, with several distinctive buildings), has led scholars to suggest that it was meant for some kind of a special ritual bath.