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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following is/are characteristic(s) of particles of matter?


Particles of matter have space between them.

Particles of matter are continuously moving.

Particles of matter attract each other.

All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


The correct answer is option 4. All of these.

1. Particles of matter have space between them:

In any form of matter, whether it's a solid, liquid, or gas, there is space between the particles that make up the substance. The amount of space between particles varies with the state of matter. In solids, particles are closely packed, with limited space between them. In liquids, particles have more freedom to move, and in gases, particles are relatively far apart.

2. Particles of matter are continuously moving:

All particles of matter are in a state of constant motion. This motion is influenced by factors such as temperature and energy. In solids, particles vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids, particles move more freely, sliding past each other. In gases, particles have high kinetic energy and move rapidly in random directions.

3. Particles of matter attract each other:

Particles in matter experience attractive forces between them. These forces are responsible for holding particles together in different substances. In solids, the attractive forces are strong, keeping particles in a fixed arrangement. In liquids, the forces are weaker, allowing particles to move more freely. In gases, the forces are even weaker, allowing particles to move independently.

These characteristics are fundamental to understanding the behavior and properties of matter. The interplay of particle spacing, motion, and attractive forces contributes to the various physical properties exhibited by different states of matter.