Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


The Buddha perceived the social world as a construct shaped by humans rather than originating from divine sources. Consequently, he provided guidance to both kings and gahapatis to foster compassion and ethical conduct. The transformation of social relationships was envisioned as an outcome of individual endeavors.

Central to the Buddha's teachings was the emphasis on individual volition and virtuous deeds as the means to break free from the cycle of rebirth. This liberation aimed at achieving self-realization and nibbana, a state symbolizing the cessation of ego and desire. By attaining this state, individuals could effectively terminate the cycle of suffering, especially those who chose a life of renunciation.

How did the Buddha view the cycle of rebirth and suffering?


As inevitable and unavoidable

As a divine blessing

As escapable through external intervention

As escapable through individual effort and ethical action

Correct Answer:

As escapable through individual effort and ethical action


Central to the Buddha's teachings was the emphasis on individual volition and virtuous deeds as the means to break free from the cycle of rebirth. This liberation aimed at achieving self-realization and nibbana, a state symbolizing the cessation of ego and desire. By attaining this state, individuals could effectively terminate the cycle of suffering, especially those who chose a life of renunciation.