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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Which statement is not true about the outcome of the fourth general elections in 1967?


The Congress Party lost the majority in seven states.

Defections prevented the Congress Party from forming a government in two states.

The Congress Party secured a majority in most of the states.

Coalition governments were formed in eight states.

Correct Answer:

The Congress Party secured a majority in most of the states.


The profound nature of the political transformation becomes even more evident when observed at the state level. The Congress Party encountered significant setbacks, losing its majority in a remarkable seven states. Defections prevented it from forming a government in two additional states. These nine states where the Congress Party lost power spanned across the nation – encompassing Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Orissa, Madras, and Kerala.

In Madras State, which is now known as Tamil Nadu, a regional party called the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) achieved power by securing a clear majority. This victory came on the heels of the DMK's leadership in a widespread anti-Hindi agitation by students, protesting against the imposition of Hindi as the official language by the central government. Notably, this marked the first instance where a non-Congress party secured an independent majority in any state.

In the remaining eight states, coalition governments were established, comprising diverse non-Congress parties. A common adage humorously captured the situation: one could travel by train from Delhi to Howrah without traversing a single state governed by the Congress Party. This stark contrast was a remarkable departure for those accustomed to witnessing Congress Party's dominance.