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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who was the ruler of Delhi sultanate when Ibn Batuta came in India?


Alauddin Khalji

Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

Ibrahim Lodi

Correct Answer:

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq


The correct answer is option 3- Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

Ibn Battuta came to India during the reign of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.

Muhammad Bin Tughlaq was the Sultan of Delhi from 1325 to 1351. He was a brilliant scholar and a capable administrator, but he was also known for his eccentric and unpredictable behavior.

Ibn Battuta was a Moroccan traveler who visited India in the 14th century. He wrote a detailed account of his travels, which is one of the most important sources of information about the Delhi Sultanate during the reign of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq.

Ibn Battuta was impressed by Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's intelligence and his knowledge of Islamic law. He also praised the Sultan's generosity and his hospitality.

However, Ibn Battuta was also critical of Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's erratic behavior. He wrote that the Sultan was "quick to anger and quick to forgive." He also wrote that the Sultan was "fond of making experiments and trying new things, even if they were dangerous or impractical."