Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Analysing Arguments


This question consists of a paragraph followed by four statements. You are required to read the paragraph carefully and select one statement that is best supported by the information given in the paragraph.

"Children perform many different activities involving motor skills when they reach adulthood. Motor skills help perform diverse tasks such as riding a bicycle, preparing dinner, typing a letter, etc. All these tasks require precision and timing of muscular movement."

This paragraph supports which of the following statements:-


Most of the adults don't know how to use their motor skills.

Adults know how to type a letter and ride a bicycle due to motor skills.

Motor skills are limited to adults.

Children lack motor skills.

Correct Answer:

Adults know how to type a letter and ride a bicycle due to motor skills.


The paragraph states that children perform many activities involving motor skills when they reach adulthood, and that tasks such as riding a bicycle, preparing dinner, and typing a letter require precision and timing of muscular movement. Therefore, option 2 is best supported by the information given in the paragraph: "Adults know how to type a letter and ride a bicycle due to motor skills."

A child does not lack the motor skills, and these skills are not limited to adults as well as an adult doesn't need to learn motor skills as these skills just get refined when one reaches adulthood and help perform tasks.