Target Exam





India-People and Economy: International Trade


Regulatory function and policy related to major ports are decided by which of the following?


Central Government

Port Authority of India (PAI)

Airport Authority of India (AAI)

State Government

Correct Answer:

Central Government


The correct answer is Option (1) → Central Government

Though ports have been in use since ancient times, the emergence of ports as gateways of international trade became important after the coming of the European traders and colonisation of the country by the British. This led to the variation in the size and quality of ports. There are some ports which have very vast area of influence and some have limited area of influence. At present, India has 12 major ports and 200 minor or intermediate ports. In case of the major ports, the central government decides the policy and plays regulatory functions. The minor ports are there whose policy and functions are regulated by state governments. The major ports handle larger share of the total traffic