Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Challenges to and Restoration of the Congress System


Indira Gandhi focused on which of the following issues in the 1971 Lok Sabha Elections ?

1. She put forward a positive programme captured in the famous slogan:Berojgari Hatao.
2. She focused on the growth of the private sector, the removal of the ceiling on rural land holdings and urban property, the removal of disparities in income and opportunity, and the extension of princely privileges.
3. Through Berojgari hatao Indira Gandhi tried to generate a support base among the disadvantaged, especially among the landless labourers, Dalits and Adivasis, minorities, women and the unemployed youth.


1 and 3

1 and 2

2 and 3

None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


Indira Gandhi said that the opposition alliance had only one common programme: Indira Hatao (Remove Indira). In contrast to this, she put forward a positive programme captured in the famous slogan: Garibi Hatao (Remove Poverty). She focused on the growth of the public sector, the imposition of a ceiling on rural land holdings and urban property, the removal of disparities in income and opportunity, and the abolition of princely privileges. Through garibi hatao Indira Gandhi tried to generate a support base among the disadvantaged, especially among the landless labourers, Dalits and Adivasis, minorities, women and the unemployed youth. The slogan of garibi hatao and the programmes that followed it were part of Indira Gandhi’s political strategy of building an independent nationwide political support base.