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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following dancer is related to Odissi dance?


Shovana Narayan

Shovana Narayan

Sujata Mohapatra

Rukmini Devi

Correct Answer:

Sujata Mohapatra


The correct answer is Option (3) - Sujata Mohapatra

Sujata Mohapatra is a renowned Indian classical dancer who specializes in the Odissi dance form. Odissi is one of the classical dance styles originating from the state of Odisha in Eastern India. It is known for its graceful movements, intricate footwork, expressive gestures, and fluid postures, which are often inspired by temple sculptures and traditional Odia culture.

Sujata Mohapatra has dedicated her life to the practice and propagation of Odissi dance. Trained under eminent gurus of the Odissi tradition, she has honed her skills and developed her own distinctive style, characterized by her impeccable technique, emotional depth, and captivating stage presence.

As a performer, Sujata Mohapatra has toured extensively both within India and abroad, showcasing the beauty and richness of Odissi dance to audiences worldwide. She has earned acclaim for her virtuosity, artistry, and ability to convey the essence of Odissi through her performances.

In addition to her career as a performer, Sujata Mohapatra is also a dedicated teacher and choreographer, passing on her knowledge and expertise to the next generation of dancers. She conducts workshops, masterclasses, and lecture demonstrations to promote awareness and appreciation of Odissi dance.

Sujata Mohapatra's contributions to Odissi dance have earned her numerous accolades and awards, establishing her as one of the leading exponents of the art form. She continues to inspire audiences and dancers alike with her passion, creativity, and commitment to preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of Odisha through Odissi dance.