Practicing Success

Target Exam





Comprehension - (Narrative / Factual)


Read the following passage and answer questions

Today, I Feel Like Giving Up

But today? Well, today I am struggling. Today, I don’t feel like sticking to the routine. Today, I don’t feel like I don’t feel like I have enough time to make the good ideas great. Today, I feel like giving up. Here’s what I try to remind myself of when I feel like giving up…

Consider every thought you have as a suggestion, not an order. Right now, my mind is suggesting that I feel tired. It is suggesting that I give up. It is suggesting that I take an easier path.

If I pause for a moment, however, I can discover new suggestions. My mind is also suggesting that I will feel very good about accomplishing this work once it is done. It is suggesting that I will respect the identity I am building when I stick to the schedule. Remember, none of these suggestions are orders. They are merely options. I have the power to choose which option I follow.

Theodore Roosevelt famously said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” So often it seems that we want to work easily at work worth doing. We want our work to be helpful and respected, but we do not want to struggle through our work. We want the final result, but not the failed attempts that lead to it. We want the gold, but not the grind.

Life is a constant balance between giving into the ease of distraction or overcoming the pain of discipline. It is not an exaggeration to say that our lives and our identities are defined in this delicate balance. What is life, if not the sum of a hundred thousand daily battles and tiny decisions to either gut it out or give it up?

This moment when you don’t feel like doing the work? This is not a moment to be thrown away. This is not a dress rehearsal. This moment is your life as much as any other moment. Spend it in a way that will make you proud.

As per the passage , Life is a fine balance between __________ and __________.


order , intrusion

order , control

confusion , disturbance

routine , chaos

Correct Answer:

order , intrusion