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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Modern Histoy


Who among the following is regarded as the real founder of Portuguese power in India?


Fransisco De Almide

Vasco da gama


Afonso de Albuquerque

Correct Answer:

Afonso de Albuquerque


The correct answer is Option 4- Afonso de Albuquerque

Afonso de Albuquerque is regarded as the real founder of Portuguese power in India.

Vasco da Gama was the first Portuguese explorer to reach India in 1498, but he did not establish any permanent Portuguese presence in the country.

Francisco de Almeida was the first Portuguese governor of India, but he was primarily focused on military campaigns against the Zamorin of Calicut.

Albuquerque, on the other hand, had a long-term vision for Portuguese rule in India. He believed that the Portuguese needed to establish a strong military presence in the region, and he also believed that the Portuguese needed to build forts and trading posts. Albuquerque also sought to establish diplomatic relations with Indian rulers, and he encouraged intermarriage between Portuguese men and Indian women.

Albuquerque's most important accomplishment was the capture of Goa from the Sultan of Bijapur in 1510. Goa became the Portuguese capital in India, and it remained under Portuguese rule for over 450 years. Albuquerque also established Portuguese forts and trading posts at other important locations along the Indian coast.