Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Preposition


Choose the sentence/s with the correct use of preposition.

A. Don't loiter about the street.
B. He rules across a vast empire.
C. I have not slept since yesterday.
D. The little girl sat under the shade of the tree.
E. The path leads in the forests.


A, B and C only

A and E only

B, C and D only

A only

Correct Answer:

B, C and D only


The correct answer is : Option 3: B, C, and D only


  • B. "He rules across a vast empire." - The use of "across" is appropriate here to indicate the extent or coverage of the empire.

  • C. "I have not slept since yesterday." - The use of "since" is correct to indicate the starting point of the time period during which the person has not slept.

  • D. "The little girl sat under the shade of the tree." - The use of "under" is correct to indicate the position of the little girl in relation to the tree.

    Other Options are incorrect because of the following:
  • A. Don't loiter about the street: Not Correct
    Issue: The use of "about" is not the most appropriate preposition in this context. A better choice would be "around." The sentence would be more correct as "Don't loiter around the street."
  • E. The path leads in the forests. - Incorrect. "In" should be replaced with "into" when referring to entering a specific location.