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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following names was used for the Indian subcontinent by ancient travellers like Megasthenes, Fa-Hien, Hiuen Tsang, Al-Beruni, Ibn Batuta etc. for the active contribution of Indian traders?


Swaran Bhoomi

Swaran Jagat

Swaran Bet

Swaran Desh

Correct Answer:

Swaran Bhoomi


The correct answer is Option 1- Swaran Bhoomi

The name Swaran Bhoomi was used for the Indian subcontinent by ancient travellers like Megasthenes, FaHien, Huen Tsang, Al Beruni, Ibn Batuta etc. for active contribution of Indian traders.

Swaran Bhoomi means "Land of Gold" in Sanskrit. This name was given to India because of its rich natural resources and its thriving trade. India was a major exporter of spices, textiles, and other goods, and its traders traveled all over the world.

The ancient travellers who visited India were impressed by its wealth and prosperity. They wrote about the beautiful cities, the fertile land, and the skilled artisans. They also mentioned the active trade that took place between India and other countries.

The name Swaran Bhoomi is a reminder of India's rich history and culture. It also reflects the important role that Indian traders played in the global economy.