Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


A student who is irregular in attendance and does not complete and submit assignments timely is rewarded whenever s/he comes to school on time and continues with the behaviour. S/he is also applauded for completion and timely submission of assignment. Name the behavioural technique being used.


Positive Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement

Aversive Conditioning

Token Economy

Correct Answer:

Positive Reinforcement


Positive reinforcement is a behavioral technique that involves rewarding desired behaviors to increase the likelihood of those behaviors occurring again. In the given scenario, the student is being rewarded with praise and applause for coming to school on time and completing and submitting assignments timely. This positive reinforcement is likely to increase the likelihood of the student continuing to exhibit these desired behaviors.

Negative reinforcement is a behavioral technique that involves removing an unpleasant or aversive stimulus to increase the likelihood of the behavior that led to the removal of the stimulus occurring again. For example, a student might be allowed to leave class early if they complete their work on time. This removal of an aversive stimulus (being in class) is likely to increase the likelihood of the student completing their work on time in the future.

Aversive conditioning is a behavioral technique that involves pairing an unpleasant or aversive stimulus with an undesired behavior to decrease the likelihood of that behavior occurring again. For example, a student might be given a detention if they are caught talking during class. This pairing of an aversive stimulus (detention) with the undesired behavior (talking during class) is likely to decrease the likelihood of the student talking during class in the future.

A token economy is a type of reinforcement system that uses tokens to represent rewards. Tokens can be exchanged for tangible rewards, such as candy, toys, or privileges. Token economies are often used in educational settings to promote desired behaviors in students.