P × Q means P is the sister of Q P ÷ Q means P is the mother of Q P + Q means P is the brother of Q P – Q means P is the father of Q
How is T related to S. If ‘W ÷ T – H + V – S’ ? |
Sister Mother Aunt None of these |
None of these |
Note: ↑ or ↓ ⇒ Upward or downward arrow shown "generation gap" . = ⇒ Double lines shown "relation b/w Husband & Wife" — ⇒ single line shown "relation in same generation other than Husband & Wife". + ⇒ Plus sign shown " Male". - ⇒minus sign shown " Female". ********************************************************** T is the Paternal Grand father of S. So, correct answer is option (4). |