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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


The early Turkish rulers ruled between ______ years over Delhi.


1165 and 1198

1226 and 1290

1206 and 1290

1192 and 1225

Correct Answer:

1206 and 1290


The correct answer is Option 3- 1206 and 1290

The early Turkish rulers ruled in Delhi between 1206 and 1290.

This period is known as the Slave dynasty, because the early Turkish rulers were all slaves who rose to power through their military prowess.

The first Sultan of Delhi was Qutb-ud-din Aibak, who ruled from 1206 to 1210. He was followed by Iltutmish, who ruled from 1211 to 1236. Iltutmish is considered to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate, and he established a strong and stable government.

The Slave dynasty lasted for five generations, and it came to an end in 1290 when Balban died without a male heir.

The Slave dynasty was an important period in Indian history, because it marked the beginning of Muslim rule in India. The Slave rulers also made significant contributions to Indian culture and architecture.