Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section A


Linear Programming


A furniture company produces office chairs and tables. The company projects the demand for at least 100 chairs and 50 tables daily. The company can produce no more than 120 chairs and 70 tables daily. The company must ship at most 150 units of chairs and tables daily to fulfill the shipping contract. Each sold table results in a profit of Rs.50 and each chair produces Rs.15 profit. Then which of the following is an inequality describing the constraints considering the number of chairs sold daily as x and the number of tables sold daily as y?


x + y \(\leq \)150

x + y \(\leq \)100

x + y \(\leq \)50

None of the above

Correct Answer:

x + y \(\leq \)150


Total number of chairs and tables required to fulfill the shipment is 150