Practicing Success

Target Exam





Therapeutic Approaches


Match the Following:
i) RET                                    (a) Wolpe
ii) Systematic desensitization   (b) Albert Ellis
iii) Psychodynamic therapy      (c) Victor Frankl
iv) Logotherapy                      (d) Freud


(i)-a; (ii)-b; (iii)-c; (iv)-d

(i)-b; (ii)-a; (iii)-d; (iv)-c

(i)-b; (ii)-c; (iii)-d; (iv)-b

(i)-c; (ii)-a; (iii)-d; (iv)-b

Correct Answer:

(i)-b; (ii)-a; (iii)-d; (iv)-c


The correct answer is option 2: (i)-b; (ii)-a; (iii)-d; (iv)-c

Albert Ellis formulated the Rational Emotive Therapy (RET).

Systematic desensitization is a technique introduced by Wolpe for treating phobias.

The psychodynamic therapy pioneered by Sigmund Freud.

Victor Frankl, a psychiatrist and neurologist propounded the Logotherapy.

Here's a breakdown of the correct pairings:

  • Rational Emotive Therapy (RET): Developed by Albert Ellis, RET focuses on identifying and challenging irrational beliefs that contribute to emotional distress. (i-b)
  • Systematic desensitization: This technique, pioneered by Joseph Wolpe, involves gradually exposing a patient to their phobias in a safe and controlled environment. (ii-a)
  • Psychodynamic therapy: This approach, rooted in the work of Sigmund Freud, explores the unconscious mind and its influence on thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. (iii-d)
  • Logotherapy: Founded by Viktor Frankl, logotherapy emphasizes the importance of finding meaning in life, even in the face of suffering. (iv-c)