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Target Exam





Indian Society: Market as a social Institution


The weekly market, though a very old institution, its character has changed over time. Select the changes that have occured from the following options - especially during the colonial period.

(A) Tribals lost their land to outsiders

(B) The tribal areas were opened up with roads

(C) Tribals still practiced barter system

(D) Rich forests and other resources are now available

(E) Tribals have been introduced to money

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (B), (D), (E) Only

(A), (B), (C), (D) Only

(A), (B), (C), (E) Only

(A), (D), (E), (C) Only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B), (D), (E) Only


Option C is incorrect as introduction of money in tribal areas has led to disappearance of barter system.

While the weekly market in tribal areas may be a very old institution, its character has changed over time. After these remote areas were brought under the control of the colonial state, they were gradually incorporated into the wider regional and national economies. Tribal areas were ‘opened up’ by building roads (B) and ‘pacifying’ the local people (many of whom resisted colonial rule through their so-called ‘tribal rebellions’), so that the rich forest and mineral resources of these areas could be exploited (D). This led to the influx of traders, moneylenders, and other non-tribal people from the plains into these areas. The local tribal economy was transformed as forest produce was sold to outsiders, and money and new kinds of goods entered the system (E). Tribals were also recruited as labourers to work on plantations and mines that were established under colonialism. A ‘market’ for tribal labour developed during the colonial period. Due to all these changes, local tribal economies became linked into wider markets, usually with very negative consequences for local people. For example, the entry of traders and moneylenders from outside the local area led to the impoverishment of adivasis, many of whom lost their land to outsiders (A).