Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the conversion of the following sentence from Direct to Indirect Speech from the options given below:

The boss said, "you are fired!"


The boss exclaimed to me to fire away

The boss informed me that I was fired

The boss said to me that I was fired

The boss cried out that I was fired

Correct Answer:

The boss informed me that I was fired


The correct answer is Option (2) → The boss informed me that I was fired

Direct Speech: "The boss said, 'you are fired!'"

In direct speech, the exact words spoken by the boss are quoted within quotation marks. In this case, the boss directly states, "you are fired."

Indirect Speech: "The boss informed me that I was fired."

In indirect speech, we report what someone else said without quoting their exact words. Instead, we convey the meaning or content of the original statement. Here's how the conversion works:

1. The introductory phrase "The boss said" is changed to "The boss informed me that."
2. The pronoun "you" is changed to "I" to reflect the change in perspective from the boss's statement to the listener's perspective.
3. The phrase "you are fired" is reported indirectly as "I was fired."

So, in the indirect speech, we maintain the meaning of the original statement while adapting it to fit into a grammatically correct sentence.