Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Social Responsibilities of Business and Business Ethics


Which of the following is an example of socially desirable practices that improve the image of enterprises and also make them profitable?


Installing pollution devices in the factory

Supplying good quality goods

Creating healthy working conditions

All of these

Correct Answer:

All of these


The correct answer is option 4- All of these.

A business enterprise should do business and earn money in ways that fulfill the expectations of society. Every individual living in society has certain obligations towards society. He has to respect social values and norms of behaviour. A business enterprise is permitted by society to carry on industrial or commercial activities and thereby earn profits. But it is obligatory on part of the business enterprise not to do anything, that is undesirable from society’s point of view. Manufacture and sale of adulterated goods, making deceptive advertisements, not paying taxes which are due, polluting the environment and exploiting workers are some examples of socially undesirable practices which may increase the profit of enterprises but which have adverse effect on society at large. On the other hand, supplying good quality goods, creating healthy working conditions, honestly paying taxes prevention/installing pollution devices in the factory, and sincerely attending to customer complaints are examples of socially desirable practices that improve the image of enterprises and also make them profitable. In fact, it is through socially responsible and ethically upright behaviour that business enterprises can get durable success.