Practicing Success

Target Exam





Attitudes and Social Cognition


Rani, a school teacher often paid the school fees of students in her class who came from economically backward families. Although her salary was not enough to meet with her personal expenses, she happily contributed the money without anyone knowing who was paying for the student.

Rani's behaviour is called ________.


Pro-social behaviour


Sympathetic gesture


Correct Answer:

Pro-social behaviour


Rani's behavior is called pro-social behavior.

Pro-social behavior is any behavior that benefits others, without the expectation of reward. It can include things like helping someone in need, donating to charity, or volunteering.

Rani's behavior is pro-social because she is paying the school fees of students who come from economically backward families, without expecting anything in return. She is doing this even though her own salary is not enough to meet her personal expenses.

The other options are not as relevant:

  • Donation: A donation is a gift of money or goods that is given to a charity or other organization. Rani's behavior is more than just a donation, because she is building relationships with the students and their families.
  • Sympathetic gesture: A sympathetic gesture is an expression of sympathy or concern for someone. Rani's behavior is more than just a sympathetic gesture, because she is taking action to help the students.
  • Co-action: Co-action is the process of working together to achieve a common goal. Rani's behavior is not co-action, because she is working alone to help the students.

Pro-social behaviour has the following characteristics. It must :

• aim to benefit or do good to another person or other persons,

• be done without expecting anything in return

• be done willingly by the person, and not because of any kind of pressure, and

• involve some difficulty or ‘cost’ to the person giving help.