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Target Exam





Macro Economics: National Income Accounting


The difference between national income and domestic income is __________. Choose the correct answer from the following.


Net indirect taxes

Net factor income from abroad

Consumption of fixed capital

Intermediate goods

Correct Answer:

Net factor income from abroad


The correct answer is option (2) : Net factor income from abroad

The difference between national income and domestic income is primarily accounted for by net factor income from abroad.

  • National income includes all income earned domestically by residents (including net factor income from abroad).
  • Domestic income includes only income earned within the domestic territory, excluding net factor income from abroad.

Net factor income from abroad takes into account the income earned by domestic factors of production (labor and capital) from foreign sources minus the income earned by foreign factors of production within the domestic economy. This includes wages, profits, and other factor incomes that flow into or out of the country.