Practicing Success

Target Exam





Respiration in Plants


The first reaction of Kreb's cycle i.e. condensation of acetyl group with OAA and water is catalysed by :



Succinate dehydrogenase

Citrate synthetase


Correct Answer:

Citrate synthetase


The correct answer is Option (3)- Citrate synthetase

The TCA cycle starts with the condensation of acetyl group with oxaloacetic acid (OAA) and water to yield citric acid . The reaction is catalysed by the enzyme citrate synthase and a molecule of CoA is released.

Citrate is then isomerised to isocitrate. It is followed by two successive steps of decarboxylation, leading to the formation of α-ketoglutaric acid and then succinyl-CoA.

In the remaining steps of citric acid cycle, succinyl-CoA is oxidised to OAA allowing the cycle to continue. During the conversion of succinyl-CoA to succinic acid a molecule of GTP is synthesised. This is a substrate level phosphorylation.

In a coupled reaction GTP is converted to GDP with the simultaneous synthesis of ATP from ADP. Also there are three points in the cycle where NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+ and one point where FAD+ is reduced to FADH2 . The continued oxidation of acetyl CoA via the TCA cycle requires the continued replenishment of oxaloacetic acid, the first member of the cycle. In addition it also requires regeneration of NAD+ and FAD+ from NADH and FADH2 respectively.