Practicing Success

Target Exam





Dissolution of Partnership Firm


In case of dissolution of partnership firm, all assets, except cash/bank and fictitious assets, are the transferred to debit side of :


Capital Account

Current Account

Realisation Account

Bank Account

Correct Answer:

Realisation Account


The correct answer is option 3- Realisation Account.

When the firm is dissolved, its books of account are to be closed and the profit or loss arising on realisation of its assets and discharge of liabilities is to be computed. For this purpose, a Realisation Account is prepared to ascertain the net effect (profit or loss) of realisation of assets and payment of liabilities which may be is transferred to partner’s capital accounts in their profit sharing ratio. Hence, all assets (other than cash in hand bank balance and fictitious assets, if any), and all external liabilities are transferred to this account. It also records the sale of assets, and payment of liabilities and realisation expenses. The balance in this account is termed as profit or loss on realisation which is transferred to partners’ capital accounts in the profit sharing ratio.

For recording assets except these, the journal entry is passed as follows-

Realisation A/c Dr.
    To Assets
(transfer of assets)