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The Mesopotamians wrote on tablets made of:






Correct Answer:



The Mesopotamians wrote on tablets made of clay.

Clay was a plentiful and inexpensive material in Mesopotamia, and it was also easy to work with. The Mesopotamians would roll out the clay into tablets and then use a stylus to impress symbols into the clay. Once the tablets were written on, they would be dried or fired in a kiln to make them permanent.

The Mesopotamians wrote in a script called cuneiform. Cuneiform means "wedge-shaped" in Latin, and it is so named because the symbols are made up of wedge-shaped marks. Cuneiform was a complex script, but it was very efficient and allowed the Mesopotamians to write a wide range of things, including laws, religious texts, and stories.

Cuneiform tablets have been found all over Mesopotamia, and they provide a wealth of information about the Mesopotamians and their culture. Cuneiform tablets have helped us to learn about the Mesopotamians' laws, their religion, their literature, and their way of life.

The use of clay tablets for writing was a major innovation in Mesopotamia. It allowed the Mesopotamians to record and preserve their knowledge and culture. The development of cuneiform writing was also a major breakthrough, as it allowed the Mesopotamians to communicate complex ideas in a written form.