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Who is the author of the book 'The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation'?


Ravish Kumar

Barkha Dutt

Rahul Kanwal

Arnab Goswami

Correct Answer:

Ravish Kumar


The correct answer is Option (1) - Ravish Kumar

"The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation" is a book authored by Ravish Kumar, an Indian journalist, television anchor, and author. Ravish Kumar is known for his incisive analysis, critical commentary, and fearless journalism, particularly in the realm of Indian politics and society. In this book, Ravish Kumar delves into various aspects of democracy, culture, and nationalism in the context of contemporary India. He offers insights into the challenges facing democracy, the role of media in shaping public discourse, and the importance of preserving freedom of speech and expression.

Through his writings, Ravish Kumar explores the complex interplay between democracy and culture, highlighting the diverse voices and perspectives that contribute to the fabric of Indian society. He examines issues such as identity politics, social justice, and the erosion of democratic values, drawing on his experiences as a journalist covering key events and developments in the country. "The Free Voice" serves as a critique of the current state of democracy and media in India while advocating for greater transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in public discourse. Ravish Kumar's sharp observations and nuanced analysis make this book a compelling read for anyone interested in understanding the dynamics of Indian democracy and the challenges it faces in the 21st century.

Overall, "The Free Voice: On Democracy, Culture and the Nation" offers a thought-provoking exploration of democracy, culture, and nationalism in contemporary India, reflecting Ravish Kumar's commitment to upholding the principles of a free and inclusive society.