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Target Exam



Political Science




Union Legislature alone can make laws on which of these matters?

A) Livestock and Animal Husbandry
B) Defence 
C) Atomic Energy
D) Currency & Coinage.
E) Prison 

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


A, B and D

B, C and D

A, C and E

C, D and E

Correct Answer:

B, C and D


The correct answer is Option 2 - B, C and D

Union Legislature alone can make laws on

B) Defence 
C) Atomic Energy
D) Currency & Coinage.

Livestock and Animal Husbandry and prison comes under State List.


The Constitution clearly demarcates subjects, which are under the exclusive domain of the Union and those under the States.

The Union List includes subjects like-  Defence ± Atomic Energy ± Foreign Affairs ± War and Peace ± Banking ± Railways ± Post and Telegraph ± Airways ± Ports ± Foreign Trade ± Currency & Coinage. Union Legislature alone can make laws on these matters.

State List Includes subjects like Agriculture ± Police ± Prison ± Local Government ± Public Heath ± Land ± Liquor ± Trade and Commerce ± Livestock and Animal Husbandry ± State Public Services. Normally only the State Legislature can make laws on these matters.

Concurrent List Includes subjects like, Education ± Transfer of Property other than Agricultural land ± Forests ± Trade Unions ± Adulteration ± Adoption and Succession. Both Union and State Legislature alone can make laws on these matters.

Residuary Powers Include all other matters not mentioned in any of the Lists. ± Cyber Laws Union Legislature alone has the power to legislate on such matters.