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Target Exam





Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A good turn


A great opportunity

A helpful act

A pleasant experience

A lucky chance

Correct Answer:

A helpful act


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "a good turn" is a helpful act.

The other options are incorrect.

  • A great opportunity is not a helpful act. A great opportunity is a chance to do something good or to improve your situation.
  • A pleasant experience is not a helpful act. A pleasant experience is something that is enjoyable or makes you happy.
  • A lucky chance is not a helpful act. A lucky chance is something that happens by chance and that you did not plan or expect.

The idiom "a good turn" comes from the idea of doing something kind or helpful for someone else. In the same way, a good turn is a helpful act that you do for someone else. For example, you might say that you did someone a good turn by helping them carry their groceries.