Practicing Success

Target Exam





Ancient India: Thinkers, Beliefs and Buildings


Which of the following statements are not correct?

(A) Vinay Pitaka does not describe the rules for monks.
(B) Buddhism grew only after the death of Buddha.
(C) Sutta Pitaka are the verses composed by bhikkhunis.
(D) Punna was a rich land-lady.
(E) The word Chaitya may have been derived from the word chita.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


(D) and (E) only

(A), (B) and (D) only

(C) and (E) only

(B), (D) and (E) only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B) and (D) only


The correct answer is Option (2) - (A), (B) and (D) only

Let us discuss each statement one by one:

(A) Vinay Pitaka does not describe the rules for monks - INCORRECT

The Vinaya Pitaka included rules and regulations for those who joined the sangha or monastic order.

(B) Buddhism grew only after the death of Buddha - INCORRECT

Buddhism grew rapidly both during the lifetime of the Buddha and after his death, as it appealed to many people dissatisfied with existing religious practices and confused by the rapid social changes taking place around them.

(C) Sutta Pitaka are the verses composed by bhikkhunis - CORRECT (partially)

Therigatha: This unique Buddhist text, part of the Sutta Pitaka, is a collection of verses composed by bhikkhunis. It provides an insight into women’s social and spiritual experiences.

(D) Punna was a rich land-lady - INCORRECT

Therigatha: This unique Buddhist text, part of the Sutta Pitaka, is a collection of verses composed by bhikkhunis. It provides an insight into women’s social and spiritual experiences. Punna, a dasi or slave woman, went to the river each morning to fetch water for her master’s household. There she would daily see a Brahmana performing bathing rituals.

(E) The word Chaitya may have been derived from the word chita - CORRECT

Chaitya may also have been derived from the word chita, meaning a funeral pyre, and by extension a funerary mound.


NOTE: There is one specific section within the Sutta Pitaka that contains verses composed by bhikkhunis, or Buddhist nuns. This section is called the Therigatha. The Sutta Pitaka itself is not composed by bhikkhunis, but it does include their contributions.

The question is a previous year question and statements A, B and D are entirely wrong. The statement E is completely true.

Therefore, as per the given options in the exam the most appropriate answer is option (2) - (A), (B) and (D) only.