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Target Exam





Fundamentals of Human Geography: World Population-Distribution, Density and growth


Which of the following statement (s) is/are NOT correct about the first stage of demographic cycle?


The first stage has high fertility and high mortality. People reproduce more to compensate for the deaths due to epidemics and variable food supply.

The population growth is slow and most of the people are engaged in agriculture where large families are an asset.

Life expectancy is low, people are mostly illiterate and have low levels of technology.

One hundred years ago all the countries of the world were in this stage.

Correct Answer:

One hundred years ago all the countries of the world were in this stage.


The first stage has high fertility and high mortality because people reproduce more to compensate for the deaths due to epidemics and variable food supply. The population growth is slow and most of the people are engaged in agriculture where large families are an asset. Life expectancy is low, people are mostly illiterate and have low levels of technology. Two hundred years ago all the countries of the world were in this stage.