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Legal Studies




Which of the following is true of Public Interest Litigations?


It is original Jurisdiction of Higher Courts.

It is Appellate Jurisdiction of Higher Courts

It is extraordinary Jurisdiction of Higher Courts.

It is Constitutional Jurisdiction of Higher Courts

Correct Answer:

It is extraordinary Jurisdiction of Higher Courts.


In the recent years, the Supreme Court has relaxed its locus standi (meaning the right of a party to appear and be heard by a Court) and has permitted public spirited citizens and civil society organisations to approach the Court on behalf of the victims for better administration of justice. On other accounts, the Court has on its own initiative started cases of public importance. All this has been possible through the judicial activism of the Supreme Court through Public Interest Litigation (Janhit Yachika) (PIL). This extra-ordinary jurisdiction has been invoked either through writs or even by writing letters to Judges, whose modalities are maintained under the guidelines for PIL enacted by the Court.