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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Who was considered as last powerful Mughal ruler of India?




Akbar II


Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option 2- Aurangzeb

Aurangzeb is considered as the last powerful Mughal ruler of India. He ruled from 1658 to 1707, and he expanded the Mughal Empire to its greatest extent. He was a skilled warrior and a shrewd administrator. He was also a devout Muslim, and he tried to impose Islamic laws and practices throughout the empire.

However, Aurangzeb's policies led to a number of revolts, and the Mughal Empire began to decline after his death. His successors were weak and incompetent, and the empire was eventually conquered by the British in the early 19th century.

The other options are incorrect:

  • Akbar was the third Mughal emperor, and he ruled from 1556 to 1605. He is considered to be one of the greatest Mughal emperors.
  • Akbar II was the 18th Mughal emperor, and he ruled from 1806 to 1837. The Mughal Empire was in decline during his reign, and he was largely a figurehead.
  • Shah Jahan was the fifth Mughal emperor, and he ruled from 1628 to 1658. He is known for his patronage of art and architecture, and he built the Taj Mahal in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal.