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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given Idiom:- "To take a crack at something"


An honest endeavour for accomplishing something

Cracking a glass window

Throwing stone to crack something

None of these

Correct Answer:

An honest endeavour for accomplishing something


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "to take a crack at something" is an honest endeavour for accomplishing something. The idiom comes from the literal meaning of taking a swing at something, which is to try to hit it. In the same way, when someone says that they are going to "take a crack at something," they are saying that they are going to try to do it, even if they are not sure if they will be successful.

The other options are not as accurate. Cracking a glass window means to break a glass window. Throwing stone to crack something means to throw a stone at something in an attempt to break it. None of these meanings are the same as "an honest endeavour for accomplishing something."