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Which among the following heritage buildings does NOT figure among those which were dedicated to the nation by the PM Narendra Modi in during his two-day visit to West Bengal in January 2020?


Belur Math Temple

Victoria Memorial Hall

Old Currency Building

Metcalfe House

Correct Answer:

Belur Math Temple


The correct answer is Option (1) - Belur Math Temple

During Prime Minister Narendra Modi's two-day visit to West Bengal in January 2020, heritage buildings such as the Victoria Memorial Hall, Old Currency Building, and Metcalfe House were dedicated to the nation. However, Belur Math Temple was not among the buildings dedicated during this visit. Belur Math Temple, located in West Bengal, is a significant religious and cultural landmark associated with the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. While it is a revered site, it was not specifically dedicated to the nation during the mentioned visit by PM Modi.