Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




When the value of the goods or services in question, along with the compensation claimed exceeds 1 crore but is less than 10 crore, identify the Redressal Forum the aggrieved party would approach as per Consumer Protection Act 2019?


District Commission

State consumer Disputes Redressal Comnussion

National Consumer Deputes Redressal Commission

The Supreme Court of India

Correct Answer:

State consumer Disputes Redressal Comnussion


The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 promulgates a three-tier quasi-judicial mechanism for redressal of consumer disputes namely district commissions, state commissions and national commission. The Act also stipulates the pecuniary jurisdiction of each tier of consumer commission. As per the existing provisions of the Act, District Commissions have jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of the goods or services paid as consideration does not exceed one crore rupees. State Commissions have jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of the goods or services paid as consideration, exceeds 1 crore rupees, but does not exceed 10 crore rupees and National Commission has jurisdiction to entertain complaints where value of goods or services paid as consideration exceeds 10 crore rupees.