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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following dynasties made Kanauj (Kanyakubja) its capital city?


Pala dynasty

Pratihara dynasty

Sena dynasty

Chola dynasty

Correct Answer:

Pratihara dynasty


The correct answer is Option 2- Pratihara dynasty

The Pratihara dynasty made Kanauj (Kanyakubja) its capital city.

The Pratihara dynasty was a powerful Indian dynasty that ruled much of Northern India from the 8th to the 11th centuries. The dynasty was founded by Nagabhatta I in the region of Malwa in the eighth century C.E. The Pratiharas made Kanauj their capital in the 8th century, and they ruled from there for over three centuries.

Kanauj was an important city in ancient India. It was located on the banks of the Ganges River, and it was a major trading center. The Pratiharas made Kanauj a center of learning and culture. They built many temples and other public buildings in the city.

The Pratihara dynasty was eventually defeated by the Ghaznavids in the 11th century. However, the dynasty left a lasting legacy on India. The Pratiharas were known for their military prowess, their patronage of the arts, and their contributions to Indian culture.