Match the following options in List 1 correctly with those in List 2:
(a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d)- ii (a)- ii, (b)- iv, (c)- iii, (d)- i (a)- ii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d)- iii (a)- iv, (b)- ii, (c)- i, (d)- iii |
(a)- ii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d)- iii |
Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah moved in a palanquin, with drumbeaters in front and followers at the rear. He was therefore popularly called Danka Shah – the maulvi with the drum (danka). Shah Mal e belonged to a clan of Jat cultivators whose kinship ties extended over chaurasee des. He mobilised the villagers of pargana Barout in Uttar Pradesh. A large majority of the sepoys of the Bengal Army were recruited from the villages of Awadh and eastern Uttar Pradesh. Many of them were Brahmins or from the “upper” castes. Awadh was, in fact, called the “nursery of the Bengal Army’’. On a variety of pleas, like misgovernment and the refusal to recognize adoption, the British annexed not only Awadh but many other kingdoms and principalities like Jhansi and Satara. |