Practicing Success

Target Exam



Legal Studies


Topics of Law


Assertion (A): The actual trial starts after the charge sheet has been filed by the police before the Magistrate.

Reasoning (R): A charge is nothing but formulation of the accusation made against a person who is to face trial for a specified offence.




Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.


Both A and R are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.


A is correct but R is false.



A is false but R is correct.

Correct Answer:

A is false but R is correct.


The actual trial starts only after the charge has been framed and the stage preceding the trial is called inquiry. After the inquiry, the charge is prepared and after the formulation of the charge, trial of the accused starts. A charge is nothing but formulation of the accusation made against a person who is to face trial for a specified offence. It sets out the offence that was allegedly committed.