Practicing Success

Target Exam





Self and Personality


Choose the correct statements in reference to the psychodynamic approach to personality.

A. Sigmund Freud used analysis of error to understand the internal functioning of the mind.
B. The therapeutic procedure developed by Freud is known as projective techniques.
C. There are three levels of consciousness i.e. id, ego and superego.
D. The libido works on the pleasure principle, and seeks immediate gratification.
E. The relative strength of id, ego & superego determines each person's stability.

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:


A, D, E only

B, C, D only

A, B, C only

C, D, E only

Correct Answer:

A, D, E only


A, D and E are correct.

Freud used free association method in which a person is asked to openly share all the thoughts, feelings and ideas that come to her/his mind), dream analysis, and analysis of errors to  understand the internal functioning of the mind.

The instinctual life force that energises the id is called libido. It works on the pleasure principle, and seeks immediate gratification.

In terms of individual functioning Freud thought of the unconscious as being composed of three competing forces. In some people, the id is stronger than the superego; in others, it is the superego. Their relative strength of the id, ego and superego deter mines each person’s stability