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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: US Hegemony in World Politics


During the cold war years, India found itself on the opposite side of the divide from the US. India's closest friend during those years was the Soviet Union, After the collapse of the Soviet Union, India suddenly found itself friendless in an increasingly hostile international environment. However, these were also the years when India decided to liberalise its economy and integrate it with the global economy. This policy and India's impressive economic growth rates in recent years have made the country an attractive economic partner for a number of countries including the US. It is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that two new factors have emerged in Indo-US relations in recent years. These factors relate to the technological dimension and the role of the India American diaspora. Those Indian analysts who see international politics largely in terms of military power are fearful of the growing closeness between India and the USA, They would prefer that India maintains its aloofness from Washington and focuses on increasing its own comprehensive national power.

Which of the following statement is correct in relation to India and USA?


The US absorbs about 65 per cent of India’s total exports in the software sector.

35 per cent of the technical staff of Boeing is estimated to be of Indian origin.

300,000 Indians work in Silicon Valley.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


It is important that we do not lose sight of the fact that two new factors have emerged in Indo-US relations in recent years. These factors relate to the technological dimension and the role of the Indian-American diaspora. Indeed, these two factors are interrelated. Consider the following facts:

The US absorbs about 65 per cent of India’s total exports in the software sector.

35 per cent of the technical staff of Boeing is estimated to be of Indian origin.

300,000 Indians work in Silicon Valley.

15 percent of all high-tech start-ups are by IndianAmericans.