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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was a contemporary of which Chola king?


Rajaraja I

Rajendra II


Rajendra I

Correct Answer:

Rajendra I


The correct answer is Option 4- Rajendra I

Sultan Mahmud of Ghazni was a contemporary of Chola king Rajendra I.

Both Mahmud and Rajendra were powerful rulers who expanded their territories and empires. Mahmud was a Muslim ruler who ruled over Central Asia and Afghanistan, while Rajendra was a Hindu ruler who ruled over southern India. Mahmud invaded India several times, and he looted and destroyed many Hindu temples. Rajendra responded by sending a naval expedition to Southeast Asia, where he defeated the Srivijaya empire and established Chola hegemony in the region.

The rivalry between Mahmud and Rajendra is one of the most important episodes in Indian history. It shows the complex relationship between the Hindu and Muslim rulers of India during the medieval period.