Practicing Success

Target Exam







Identify the correct Indirect Speech form of the sentence given below:

Rohan says, "I shall visit the Red Fort"


Rohan said that he will be visiting the Red Fort.

Rohan says that he will visit the Red Fort.

Rohan says that he will be visiting the Red Fort.

Rohan said that he shall visited the Red Fort.

Correct Answer:

Rohan says that he will visit the Red Fort.


The correct answer is Option (2) → Rohan says that he will visit the Red Fort.

This option correctly changes the reporting verb "says" to "said" and shifts the tense of the reported speech from future ("shall visit") to future ("will visit"). It maintains the correct tense and structure in indirect speech.

  1. Option 1: "Rohan said that he will be visiting the Red Fort."

    • This option changes the reporting verb "says" to "said," which is appropriate for indirect speech. However, it incorrectly changes the future tense "shall visit" to "will be visiting." While it's common to change future simple to future continuous in indirect speech, in this case, the original statement "I shall visit the Red Fort" is already in simple future tense, so it should remain as "will visit."
  2. Option 3: "Rohan says that he will be visiting the Red Fort."

    • This option maintains the present tense reporting verb "says," which is correct for indirect speech. However, it changes the future simple tense "shall visit" to "will be visiting." Similar to Option 1, this change is unnecessary because the original statement is already in simple future tense.
  3. Option 4: "Rohan said that he shall visited the Red Fort."

    • This option changes the reporting verb "says" to "said," which is appropriate for indirect speech. However, it incorrectly changes the future tense "shall visit" to "shall visited." This is grammatically incorrect; "shall visited" is not a valid construction in English. Additionally, the form "shall visited" does not match the tense of the original statement or the rules of indirect speech.