Practicing Success

Target Exam







Choose the suitable option to change the given sentence into the Direct Speech :

The security guard enquired where we were going -


"Where are you all going ?" asked the security guard.

"Where are you going?" asked the security guard.

"Where you all are going?" asked the security guard.

"Are you all going where?" asked the security guard.

Correct Answer:

"Where are you all going ?" asked the security guard.


The most suitable way to convert the sentence "The security guard enquired where we were going" into Direct Speech is: "Where are you all going ?" asked the security guard.

Here's why:

  • The original sentence is in Indirect Speech, where the reporting verb "enquired" introduces the question asked by the security guard.
  • When converting to Direct Speech, we remove the reporting verb and retain the actual words spoken.
  • In this case, the security guard asks a simple question without any additional emphasis or inversion. Therefore, using the standard question form with "Where are you all going?" is the most natural and accurate direct representation of the speaker's words.